b'Special RemindersSpecial Duties for WaitstaffAny time you handle a ready-to-eat food, you need to either wear gloves or use utensils. Never touch food with your bare hands, even if you are just performing a quick task like buttering toast.If customers ask you about how food was prepared, give them the most complete and accurate information you can to help them avoid coming into contact with potential allergens.Check the holding temperatures on buffets and salad bars to make sure the food is not in the Danger Zone.Special Duties for Childcare ProvidersBefore they eat, children should follow the same handwashing steps as food workers.Toys and other surfaces in a child care facility require washing, rinsing and sanitizing, just like kitchen equipment.If youre serving foods family-style, from a central serving dish onto individual plates, make sure the utensils are easy for childrens small fingers to handle. Have clean utensils ready to replace tools that are dropped, licked, or otherwise contaminated.88'